Asset Management Efficiency Suite (AMES)
Asset-intensive organizations rely on their equipment being safe, reliable, and compliant with all applicable regulatory requirements and industry standards. Managing assets effectively and efficiently is a core responsibility that is best handled with a system that provides a high degree of visibility and automation throughout the asset life cycle. The alternative is standalone or homegrown systems, or enterprise asset management (EAM) systems that unintentionally complicate the task.
The Asset Management Efficiency Suite (AMES) is a set of performance improvement modules that leverage industry best practices and ensure conformance to facility and regulatory policies, including the most rigorous demands of the nuclear power industry.
AMES tightly integrates with an organization’s existing EAM and document management systems in real time, taking full advantage of the underlying EAM for field validation, cross referencing and trending of data points. This eliminates the challenges of multiple independent databases and data synchronization.
As a result, it allows authorized users to spend less time entering, searching for and reporting data, and more time doing productive work. And, it avoids the need to learn and understand multiple EAM system screens and processes that do not directly relate to the given process.
Key Benefits
There is no wasted motion when using the simplified contract requisition process; each step is tracked visually along with a side bar allowing you to view your current data entry of each step.
Retrieving or requesting new Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for hazardous products or materials used during work is automated and intuitive with AMES.
AMES simplifies retrieval of all information and records related to the nuclear material, such as engineering changes, equipment associations, document control, and additional action requests.
LEAN Event Tracking facilitates the documentation and tracking of LEAN activities that support the elimination of waste by increasing efficiency in areas such as time, inventory, motion, waiting, overproduction, overprocessing, defects, and skills.
In EAM systems, as many as nine screens must be accessed to enter a single Engineering Assistance Request. AMES handles the process on one screen, making it easy to learn and perform.
The entire process is contained on a single screen, avoiding the need to navigate through multiple complex EAM screens
This AMES module enables the screening and evaluating of proposed activities impacting the Emergency Preparedness (EP) Program.
The Regulatory Review workflow in AMES streamlines and expedites the search and reporting of regulatory activity, making it available for review by internal or external regulatory authorities.
Nuclear Task Management in AMES allows for the tracking of individual nuclear-related action items such as meeting minutes, peer group action items, and committee actions items.
This process allows software requests to be initiated and checked against current facility policies, which determine when purchased software needs to be tested to a certain quality level that aligns with the software’s intended use.
The Training Request module allows facility personnel to initiate a request for training to the Training Department.
The document revision process ensures the most current revisions are recorded, including administrative changes and technical changes.
The process allows you too quickly without entering the EAM system to change, Work Location, Assigned Printer, Default EAM module (i.e. Work Management, Inventory, Engineering Change and the list goes on).
Action Tracking Mass Update allows authorized users to make large-scale changes to a select batch of records all at once.
The Action Request Closure workflow enforces all review and inspection requirements, and will prevent closure if all criteria are not met.
From this workflow, Operators can easily add OE records and screeners can efficiently review and assign OE records.
Self-assessment programs, used to track successes and shortfalls in operational performance, are streamlined with AMES.
Authorized personnel can quickly view, sort and search assignments, and then review, approve and formally complete the assignments.
Benchmark Assignment Review & Approval allows authorized personnel to easily view, sort and search assignments, and then review, approve and formally complete the assignments.